Preliminary considerations

To use iARXIU you must:

  1. You have formally requested us to join the AOC Consortium service using the registration form ( link )
  2. That users who want to use iARXIU are users of the EACAT platform and also have a role associated with the iARXIU platform (+)

Basic configuration

Once registered:

  1. The head of the institution must create a documentary fund
  2. The head of the institution must assign the archivists and managers of this fund
  3. Once inside the fund, the archivist must:
    1. Register the documentary series
    2. Create and register the templates that will be used to describe the documents/files you wish to transfer
    3. Register end users who want to make pre-revenues

With these basic steps the documentary fund is already minimally configured to accept transfers.

How to access iARCHIU

To access iARXIU you must enter the EACAT platform. Once inside the EACAT you need to go to the Applications section where there is the catalog of services / applications of the EACAT:
