Let's get started!
Use of the service
- What kind of documentation, formats and files can I file and manage in iARXIU? Article recomanat
- How big (in Mb) can the files you want to upload be?
- New functionalities and/or improvements of the iARXIU
- What size/weight (in Mb) can the transfer information packets to be entered into iARCHIU?
- What are the main features offered by the iARXIU platform?
- In what ways is the iARCHIU service provided?
User manuals and tutorials
User management and permissions
Administration of the archive and documentary fund
- View basic tool usage statistics
- Consultation of the record of access to documentation
- Management of preservation policies
- Check the share register
- What types of provisions can be chosen when defining a retention and disposal policy
- Management of document retention and disposition policies
Consultation and access module
- Other functionalities associated with consulting the PIA
- How to download a copy of the PIA, what is called the Consultation Information Package (PIC)?
- How to download a document when viewing the PIA?
- How to consult the metadata of documents/files when viewing the PIA?
- How to access the information and query functionalities associated with a PIA?
- List of results from a document search on the iArxiu platform
Document entry and transfer module
- Can I enter the same transfer information package more than once?
- When entering a transfer information packet, it gives the following error message: "Login failed: due to an error in XML parsing".
- What states can a pre-entry be in on the iARXIU website?
- Validation of transfers and generation of the PIA
- What does "do you want to reject the PIT entry if any electronic signature does not pass the validation process" mean?
- Incoming transfer information packets
- What are the entities integrated into the iARCHIU service? Article recomanat
- What data does the AOC Consortium need to integrate me with the service?
- Suppliers integrated with AOC Consortium services
- How can I consult or retrieve documentation archived on the iARXIU platform using the web service?
- Which operation of the entry web service is the most suitable for making document transfers?
- What does integration with the iARXIU platform consist of?
Article recomanat
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