User: archivist and/or entity administrator

Apart from creating the documentary series, the user can perform the following operations:

Modify documentary series metadata

Allows you to modify some metadata of the documentary series. It is not allowed to modify the title or classification code, as this is the link to the metadata of the packages. To modify the name of a series, it must be deregistered and re-created.

Modify documentary series

Delete a documentary series

Allows you to delete a documentary series. If there are packages associated with the documentary series that you want to delete, or policies that use this documentary series, the user is warned and not allowed to delete the series.

Delete documentary series confirmation
Delete documentary series error

View or search for documentary series

To facilitate the search for documentary series, there is a search engine that allows you to filter and search for series. If the user clicks on “filter”, a pop-up is enabled to search for documentary series:

Filter documentary series
Documentary series filter fields

The operation is as follows:

  • In the pop-up, the series are seen in a table, which shows the classification code, the title, and whether it is active or not.
  • If there are more than ten, it only shows the first ten, and a warning that there are more and the filter needs to be refined.
  • Displays a filter where we can write a value that will be used to filter the series in the table: the table will show only those series where the classification code, original title or final title include this text (without taking into account uppercase/lowercase letters or accents).
  • A checkbox is also shown to indicate whether we want inactive series to appear or not, although it will not be enabled if the screen in question only supports active series.
  • If we choose a value from the table, it becomes selected in the initial drop-down, and the pop-up is closed.

Enable/disable a documentary series

Activate or deactivate a documentary series

Disabling a series involves:

  • Which will not appear in the documentary series drop-down field when filling in metadata in a pre-entry.
  • Which will not appear in the documentary series drop-down field when you want to create a template.
  • Even though it is deactivated, it will continue to appear:
    • In the documentary series drop-down menu of the queries
    • In the documentary series drop-down of the stock register
    • In the documentary series drop-down when creating a policy