User type: archivist
Preservation policies define how the technical preservation of PIA should be carried out to guarantee the intellectual and technical permanence, as well as ensure the authenticity, integrity, reliability and availability of electronic archival documents over time. In addition to their definition, they also control their execution.
It includes the following preservation strategies or operations:
- Migration: This policy allows the transformation or conversion of an electronic archive document in a certain format to a more well-known, stable or standardized format, preserving the integrity of the content of the corresponding document and guaranteeing its correct consultation and visualization in the future. In the following document you will find the formats that can be migrated and the possible migration formats ( excel )
- Consistency: The objective is to periodically verify that the PIAs maintain their integrity throughout the time they remain in iARXIU. The way to do this is to verify that the cryptographic summary of the digital objects obtained at the time of their entry is the same as the one calculated when executing the policy.
A preservation policy defines:
- A preservation operation
- A selection criterion
- Dates on which that policy is executed
High preservation policy
To register a new policy, the user must click on "Add" in the "Maintenance of preservation policies" section.
The fields to report are the following:
- Identification data:
- All packages in the fund
- Documentary series (list of registered documentary series)
- Descriptive data:
- Policy name
- Policy description
- TAAD code
- Reason for the policy and email address to whom it will be notified when the policy is going to be executed.
- Action to be performed. Choose one of the following:
- Migration
- Indication of source format and destination format
- Consistency (integrity check)
- Migration
- Policy execution:
- Execution start date.
- Execution frequency (in years, months or days)
Once all the fields on the previous screen have been completed and it has been verified that there are no errors, the policy is registered on the platform.
Additionally, the system will associate a unique identifier for each policy.
The creation of technical policies allows you to indicate a documentary series or an entire collection. If a series has a specific policy, then the policy specified for the collection will not apply to it. That is, the policy with the series identifier takes precedence over the collection identifier.
Political modification
Modifying a policy allows the archivist to modify all data in a policy.
Policy activation/deactivation
Enabling/disabling policies allows the archiver to start or stop a given policy. Active policies create the corresponding tasks and operations, and inactive policies do not perform any actions, but their data can be viewed.
Check executions
The executions and results query allows the archivist to see which policy executions have been made, sorted from most recent to oldest. To check which PIAs have been affected by the application of the policy, the action log must be consulted.
The data shown in the query for each of the policy executions is as follows:
- Execution start time
- Execution end time
- Result of execution. Possible states are:
- Correct
- Error
- Execution in progress
- Number of packages affected or processed during execution
Political elimination
This option allows you to delete a policy.
Note: It should be noted that deleting a policy does not mean that the executions made of the policy before its deletion are “restored”.