User type: entity, fund and archivist administrator

The access log includes the history of queries made on the documents/packages that are archived on the platform.


The entity administrator can only consult the shares of their entity and its linked funds.

The fund administrator and archivist can only consult the shares of the fund they are managing.

Access log consultation

When the user queries the access log, the system shows in table form all the query operations carried out on the PIAs, up to a maximum of 1000 accesses. If this maximum is exceeded, the platform would show the 1000 most recent actions.

Access list

Specifically, the data recorded is the following:

  • Access ID
  • User/application that has accessed the resource. Includes basic data extracted from the digital certificate with which the platform was authenticated. In the case of individuals, the name, surname and identification number are captured. In the case of trusted applications, the name of the application is captured.
  • Date of access/consultation
  • Action taken. These can be:
    • Consult PIA
    • Download
    • Authentic copy generation
    • Online document conversion
    • Download evidence report
  • Identifier of the file consulted
  • Name of the file consulted
  • Institution/archive where the document is kept
  • Documentary collection where the document is kept

Filter or search access logs

To facilitate searches, administrators can filter by clicking on “Filter”

Access list filter
Search for records

You can see that there are filters for:

  • Identifier:
    • Action
    • Information package
  • Action:
    • PIA consultation, download, authentic copy generation, online document conversion and evidence report download
  • File ID
  • File name
  • User
  • The date of the action

Generation of the stock register list

From the results list, the user has the possibility of creating a report in Excel format. This is generated at the time of request and is downloaded to the client's browser.

Download report