The documentary series are created by the archivist and / or administrator of the entity and are linked to a specific entity and / or fund within its competence. The archivist can define and assign life cycle management policies at this level and so these can be applied to all PIAs that are part of the documentary series. In other words, series management is an essential element in facilitating the administration and implementation of the platform's policies.

The platform allows you to manage documentary series in two different ways, at the level of entities or at the level of the documentary fund. If it is chosen at the level of the entity, its management falls to the role of administrator of the entity and the great peculiarity is that the documentary series are shared by all the documentary funds that form part of the entity. In this mode, the archivist will never be able to register, modify or delete a series. You can only consult or use them to create the appropriate policies.

However, if it is preferred to manage the documentary series independently for each fund, then the management of the series falls to the archiving role.

Note: Once the mode of management of the documentary series has been chosen, it is not possible to change it as some incompatibilities may occur.