Type of user: entity administrator, fund manager and archivist

The action records include the documentary traces of the most common operations carried out on the iARXIU platform by the different users in order to record and trace these events, for audit purposes.

These action logs are automatically generated by the iARXIU platform and the types of events / actions recorded are as follows:

  • Admission
  • Migration
  • Sealed
  • Consistency
  • Transfer
  • Removal:
  • Total elimination
  • Partial elimination
  • Selective emptying
  • Chronological sampling
  • Binary removal
  • Catering
  • Conservation
  • Import


The entity administrator can only consult the actions of its entity and its linked funds

The fund manager and archivist can only view the actions of the fund they are managing

Query the stock register

When the administrator user queries the action log, the system shows him in tabular form all the operations performed on the PIAs, up to a maximum of 1000 actions. If this maximum is exceeded, the platform will show the most recent 1000 shares.


If you want to consult the details of each of the actions, just click on "action id", "User" and / or "Package id"


Filter or search for actions

In order to facilitate searches, administrators can filter by clicking "Filter"


The fields to search for are as follows

  • We and documentary fund
  • Documentary series
  • PIA identifier
  • PIT data itself: file number, opening date, closing date, producer name, production unit
  • Action:
    • Entry, sealed migration, consistency, transfer, disposal, restoration, conservation or import
    • For the removal action it is allowed to select the subtype of action: total, partial, selective emptying, chronological sampling, or deleting binaries
    • The date of the action
  • User
  • Policy identifier
  • Result of the action: correct or incorrect


Generation of the stock register

From the results list, the administrator has the ability to create a report in Excel format. This is generated at the time of ordering and is downloaded to the client's browser. The data shown is the one shown in the list plus the specifics of the PIA:
